Bakery Wholesalers
Browse our vast assortment of baked goods, sweet treats, pastries and more for your business needs.
Bakery Suppliers
Discover the wide range of bakery products available to order online we have available at Worldwide Catering Ltd. Here you will find everything from simple bread loaves, bagels, sourdough, rolls/barms, wraps, bagels, pastries, sweet treats, breadcrumbs and more. All sourced from manufacturers and growers throughout the region and beyond. Thanks to our close relationships with our growers we are able to supply your business with only the best bakery goods and products.
Deliverable throughout the North West of England, including Manchester and Leeds, to both large and small businesses, expect a swift delivery service from a local food supplier you can trust.

Wholesale Bakery Products
Working with local farmers and suppliers of the very finest ingredients, we will ensure your business is supplied with the freshest and highest quality of bakery goods so you can continue to offer an exceptional service to your customers.

Whether you are a large restaurant, sandwich bar, small caterer, hospital, school, or hotel, our wide selection of bakery goods is sure to include everything you could be looking for. So, no matter if you require several loaves of bread, sweet pastries, or a large quantity of morning goods, we have a consistent supply of the goods you need.
Baked Goods delivered to you when you need them
At Worldwide Catering we understand the importance of freshly delivered food that meets the standards you require. Our passion for the food industry means we will always strive to deliver what our customers need when you need them.
We strive to deliver all our food orders within one working day. Urgent, same day deliveries can be catered for. Please call us to check availability before placing your order. For more information do not hesitate to get in touch.